About me

As a son of a programmer, I used to play around with computers constantly in my youth. On my 13th birthday, I received a book about visual basics as a birthday gift from my father. Since then, my go-to hobby has been writing codes to better productivity, eradicate repetition, and improve efficiency. In college, I majored in the Computer Science Department so as to pursue the fundamental knowledge of computers, such as theories of operating systems and design patterns. During that period, my friends and I collaborated to complete a senior project on a smart home assistant that could take care of elders with IoT sensors. Unfortunately, one of my team members was forced to discontinue due to a broken back. Never one to surrender to obstacles, I took up the leadership role and scaled the idea down so that we could finish it before the deadline. Additionally, with a view to encouraging and supporting my teammates, I researched intensively and provided them with the PoC. Fast forward to 5 months later, we were the runner-up in the entire faculty, and I couldn’t be prouder of my team. As a result of my efforts, I graduated on top of my class and earned much praise from my peers and professors.

Thereafter, I obtained a master’s degree in network engineering and joined the software quality lab because RESTful API design and software security were, and still are, incredibly appealing to me. During the semester, I acquired invaluable skills in fuzzing techniques and web design. I then published my thesis about property-based testing REST API with an entropy-guided fuzzer. Curiosity and my adventurous spirit allow me to explore the world with perspectives that are vastly different from others’ and lead me to contributing to making our world a better place.